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kate last won the day on May 23 2023

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  1. PRONOUNCEMENT (Groom) _______________ and (Bride) _______________, as you exchanged vows with one another, we witnessed the miracle of faith. As you gave and received these rings, we witnessed the miracle of hope. As you seal this commitment with a kiss, we will witness the miracle of love. Sharing with you in these three miracles gives me great joy as I now pronounce you husband and wife. KISS (The Officiant shall say): (Groom) _______________, you may kiss your Bride. (Bride and Groom kiss.) (Bride receives bouquet from Maid of Honor.) PRESENTATION (The Officiant shall say): Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my privilege to introduce to you for the very first time, (Mr and Mrs.) ___________________.
  2. PRONOUNCEMENT (Groom)_________ and (Bride)_________, since you have consented together in holy matrimony, and have pledged yourselves to each other by your solemn vows and by the giving of rings, and have declared your commitment of love before God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Those whom God hath joined together, let no man separate. KISS (The Officiant shall say): Groom)________, you may kiss your Bride. (Bride and Groom kiss) (Bride receives bouquet from Maid of Honor) PRESENTATION (The Officiant shall say): Ladies and Gentleman, it is my privilege to introduce to you for the very first time, (Mr. and Mrs.) ______________________________.
  3. PRONOUCEMENT (Groom) _______________ and (Bride) _______________, today, before your family and friends, you have openly declared your love for each other. You have joined your hands, spoken your promises, and given these rings, a symbol of your lifelong commitment to each other. An so, I now bestow upon you the most honorable titles that may exist between a man and a woman; I pronounce you husband and wife. KISS (The Officiant shall say): (Groom) _______________, you may kiss your Bride. (Bride and Groom kiss) (Bride receives bouquet from Maid of Honor.) PRESENTATION (The Officiant shall say): Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my privilege to introduce to you for the very first time, (Mr. and Mrs.)_____________________
  4. kate

    Civil Pronouncement

    PRONOUNCEMENT (Groom) _______________ and (Bride) _______________, because you have committed yourselves to each other in marriage, and demonstrated this by the exchanging of vows and the giving of rings, I pronounce you husband and wife. KISS (The Officiant shall say): (Groom) _______________, you may kiss your Bride. (Bride and Groom kiss.) (Bride receives bouquet from Maid of Honor.). PRESENTATION (The Officiant shall say): Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my privilege to introduce to you for the very first time, (Mr. and Mrs.)__________________________
  5. PRONOUNCEMENT (Groom) _______________ and (Bride) _______________, now that you have shared with each other these words of love and commitment, and we have witnessed the expression of your love as you have given each other these rings, and you have joined your hands and hearts before your family and friends, it is with great joy that I pronounce you husband and wife. KISS (The Officiant shall say): (Groom) _______________, you may kiss your Bride. (Bride and Groom kiss.) (Bride receives bouquet from Maid of Honor.) PRESENTATION (The Officiant shall say): Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my privilege to introduce to you for the very first time, (Mr. and Mrs.) ________________________.
  6. PRONOUNCEMENT (Groom)__________________ and (Bride)__________________, because you have committed yourselves to each other and to these children, and because you have proclaimed your love for each other and for these children by the giving and receiving of rings and these gifts, I now pronounce you husband and wife and family. KISS (The Officiant shall say): (Groom)__________________, you may kiss your Bride. (Bride and Groom kiss). (Bride receives bouquet from Maid of Honor.) PRESENTATION (The Officiant shall say): Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my privilege to introduce to you for the very first time, (Mr and Mrs.)_______________ and family. or It is my pleasure to present to you (Groom)______________ and (Bride)________________ in their new relationship as husband and wife, and their son / daughter / children ___________________. or May I present to you the _______________________ family.
  7. kate

    Option 12

    May the road rose to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon the fields. May the light of friendship guide your paths together. May the laughter of children grace the halls of your home. May the joy of living for one another trip a smile from your lips, a twinkle from your eye. And when eternity beckons at the end of a life heaped high with love, may the good Lord embrace you with arms that have nurtured you the whole length of your joy-filled days. May the gracious God hold you both in the palm of His hands. And, today, may the Spirit of Love find a dwelling place in your hearts. Amen. (Irish Blessing)
  8. kate

    Option 11

    May God bless your [this] marriage with family as you [they] crate a new home together. A family is a circle of strength and love. With every birth and every union, the circle grows. May every joy shared add love to the circle, and may every crisis faced together make the circe even stronger. May your [this] family become like a beautiful rainbow as each color of your [their] lives is carefully blended together with both the showers and the sunshine of God's love. (For marriages that have children involved in the ceremony)
  9. kate

    Option 10

    May your marriage be blessed with faith for the future. May your hearts be filled with the happiness of hope. May your lives be enlightened with an everlasting love. May God grant you a new beginning as He opens the door to life's deepest and richest experiences. May the life you build together be a lasting testimony that a second chance is for those who never give up believing in the power of faith, hope, and love. (For second marriages)
  10. kate

    Option 9

    Dear Lord, we pray that You will bless this man and this woman as they begin their new journey together. In all the experiences of life, may they always stay close to You and to each other as they share the joys and blessings, as well as the trials and heartaches. Help them to honor and keep the promises made here today. Remind them daily of Your great love for them so they, in turn, may reach out in love to others. Give them such love and devotion that each may be to the other a strength in need, a comfort in sorry, a counselor in difficulty, and a companion in joy. Amen.
  11. kate

    Option 8

    May these two rings symbolize the spirit of undying love in each of your hearts. Wherever you go, may you always return to one another in your togetherness. May the home you establish be such a place of peace and joy that many will find there a friend. May your love for each other be as a pebble dropped in a pond of water. Like the ripples in the water that cross and recross one another's, may your love touch and retouch all those around you throughout your life together.
  12. kate

    Option 7

    Our Heavenly Father, we ask Your blessing upon these two lives and the home they are establishing today. May the love they have for each other grow deeper and stronger because of their love for You. Lord, You guided them to each other, now guide them in this new journey as husband and wife. As they walk down this path, light their way so they may keep their eyes focused on Your will, their hands holding fast to Your truth, their feet firmly planted in Your Word, and their hearts bound together by Your love. This we pray in Your name. Amen.
  13. kate

    Option 6

    May all that you are, always be in love; may all that is love, always be in you. May your love be as beautiful on each day you share as it is on this day of celebration. And may each day you share be as precious to you as the day when you first fell in love. May you always see and encourage the best in each other. May the challenges life brings your way make your marriage even stronger. And may you always be each other's best friend and greatest love.
  14. kate

    Option 5

    God in heaven above, please protect the ones we love. We honour all You created as they pledge their hearts and lives together. We honour mother-earth and ask for their marriage to be abundant and grow stronger through the seasons. We honour fire and ask that their union be warm and glowing with love in their hearts, We honour wind and ask that they sail through life safe and calm as in their Father's arms. We honour water to clean and soothe their relationship that it may never thirst for love. With all the forces of the universe You created, we pray for harmony and true happiness as they forever grow young together. Amen. (Cherokee Prayer)
  15. kate

    Option 4

    Oh Lord, our hearts are filled with joy on this wedding day, as (Groom) ____________ and (Bride) ____________ come before You pledging their hearts and lives to one another. Grant that they may ever be true and loving, living together in such a way as to never bring shame or heartbreak into their marriage. Temper their hearts with kindness and understand. Rid them of all pretense and jealousy. Help them to remember to be each other's sweetheart, helpmate, best friend, and guide, so together they may meet the cares and problems of life more bravely. May the home they are creating today truly be a place of love, peace, and harmony, where Your Spirit is always present. Bless this marriage we pray, and walk beside (Groom) ____________ and (Bride) ____________ throughout their lives together. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.
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