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Create DNS domain on External GTM

In the environment I work in we have Infobox being the master, serving all records and is the owner of the domains but we have a secondary server(s) which are F5 GTMs or F5 BIG DNS, that hold a copy of the records but you must create the domain on the GTM manually using a command like this

tmsh create ltm dns zone dev.hosangit.com dns-express-server dns-server-0 dns-express-notify-tsig-verify no

Now you can verify it got created by running the command

tmsh list ltm dns zone dev.hosangit.com

It's also a good idea to check the status of the new zone to see its Availability, State and Reason by running the show command like this

tmsh show ltm dns zone dev.hosangit.com

Of course if you determine that creating the zone was a mistake you can always delete it

tmsh delete ltm dns zone dev.hosangit.com

Now if you made a mistake and queried the entry and then you are trying to fix it but it just keeps responding with the mistake then more than likely its cached and you'll need to delete the cache by running

tmsh delete ltm dns cache records rrset cache non-wideip-transparent-cache



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