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We measure success with smiles

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Oh Lord, our hearts are filled with joy on this wedding day, as (Groom) ____________ and (Bride) ____________ come before You pledging their hearts and lives to one another. Grant that they may ever be true and loving, living together in such a way as to never bring shame or heartbreak into their marriage. Temper their hearts with kindness and understand. Rid them of all pretense and jealousy. Help them to remember to be each other's sweetheart, helpmate, best friend, and guide, so together they may meet the cares and problems of life more bravely. May the home they are creating today truly be a place of love, peace, and harmony, where Your Spirit is always present. Bless this marriage we pray, and walk beside (Groom) ____________ and (Bride) ____________ throughout their lives together. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 


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